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CANCIONES con temáticas para los niños

En esta sección compartimos algunas de las canciones con las que jugamos en los encuentros. Acompañadas del baile, imitaciones y gesticulaciones, los niños asimilan conceptos en inglés aún cuando no entiendan explicitamente el significado de todos los términos, de la misma manera que lo hacen con la lengua materna.

Five little monkeys

Open shut them

Open Shut Them -
Five little monkeys -

Open shut them, open shut them.

Give a little clap, clap, clap.

Open shut them, open shut them.

Put them in your lap, lap, lap.


Big and small.

Big and small. Big and small.

Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.

Big and small. Big and small.

Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.


Please. No, thank you.

Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.

Please, please, please, please. No thank you.

Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.

Please, please, please, please. No thank you.


Fast and slow.

Fast and slow. Fast and slow.

Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.

Fast and slow. Fast and slow.

Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.


Loud and quiet.

Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.

Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.

Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.

Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.



Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.

Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!

Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.

Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!

Five little monkeys

jumping on the bed. 

One fell off 

and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, 

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Four little monkeys 

jumping on the bed.

One fell off

and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Three little monkeys

jumping on the bed.

One fell off

and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


Two little monkeys

jumping on the bed.

One fell off

and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"


One little monkey

jumping on the bed.

She fell off

and bumped her head.

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"

The Finger Family

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

The Finger Family -
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star -

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do? 

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!


Then the traveller in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark

He could not see where to go

If you did not twinkle so

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are!


In the dark blue sky you keep

And often through my curtains peep

For you never shut your eye

Till the sun is in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are!


Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are! 

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